About Us

What makes us different

To express what makes us different in one word - experience!

Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon, said it like this, "there is no compression algorithm for actual experience!"

There is so much misinformation with one crypto product or blockchain saying they can do 'whatever - insert the buzzword of the moment here' when they simply don't know what they don't know. Most may have never built real production systems that can handle load or muchless businesses that have solid processes builtin from day one.

There are some really good talented resources that will enter the Web3 market in the next year or two that actually know what they are doing. Those that are actually good that are in the market today may survive but the others will not. Why? Here are a few possible reasons:

  • Some may have a combined experience of maybe 10 years (e.g., 5 people with 2 actual years in something other than what matters)
  • Most seem to be from an academia world, just read the whitepapers. I would be more interested in technical roadmaps, scalable architectures with disaster recovery factored in, incident response processes or any processes, and maybe a real business plan with experience
  • Lack of any reasonable regulation. I don't mean regulations from politians (that will most likely not work). SEC and experienced industry leaders working together

Another problem area is the misinformation coming from "influencers." Some seem to think of themselves as the "Guardian of the Galaxy (crypto edition)" when in reality they potentially create more issues than they actually help with. Just go to TikTok, Youtube, Twitter, and others and it will not take long to see all of this in action.

We're here to help

We have brought many years of actual experience architecting, building out infrastructures that can support scale, and applications that are user friendly. Our first product is called YAKKL® Smart Wallet. It's user friendly, highly secure, and powerful! If you are someone new to crypto you no longer have to go to three or four places and setup accounts just to get started. I found the process very user unfriendly and confusing.

Today, a user can download the Chrome Extension in their browser, enter in basic information and they are ready to go - simple! If the user has no crypto then they can simply obtain cryptocurrencies or NFTs through integrated third parties. The user can also sell their digital assets or even swap them with others without ever having to leave the wallet. We also added the feature that allows our users to track addresses (accounts) they may have on exchanges so that they can easily view their complete portfolio in one view. We call these Watch Accounts.

There are so many incredible features to simply list here. YAKKL® Smart Wallet (Basic Edition) is FREE. The pricing page has all of the many options.


I have a solid track record and have had the luxury of working at high-levels at some of the brands you know of or use almost daily. One such brand was Bloomberg where I focused on infrastructure required to support high-speed trading and more in the fintech space. The last few years have taught everyone a lot about "what not to do" in the crypto ecosystem and the lack of actual experience in building out what it takes to operate a company and products that can truly scale. At YAKKL®, you get all of that and so much more!

Hans Jones Interim CTO and Advisor