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Below is an FAQ of the most common questions:

Where can I find YAKKL® Smart Wallet to download?

Click the 'Get started today' button at the top of the page.

Is YAKKL® in a pre-release mode and if so what does that mean?

Yes, until we reach v1.0.0. This means we want to get features into your hands as soon as possible and get your feedback. All code is thoroughly tested before we release. Also, It's pre-release due to not having all of the features we and you want in YAKKL®. This is a GREAT THING! You can help on the design and features!

Does YAKKL® have different versions and are they FREE?

Great question! YAKKL® has different versions, 'standard' and 'premier'. Our 'enterprise' and 'institution' releases will be available in 2024. The 'standard' version is free. The 'premier' version has a very small annual subscription fee to offset 3rd party fees due to the level of security and network availability. However, until Jan 1, 2025, the 'premier' version is FREE!

Does YAKKL® have other products available or planned?

The YAKKL® Smart Wallet (with two different versions) is the only product line today. However, we have an aggressive product roadmap the includes 'enterprise' and 'institution' releases plus additional tax and portfolio products planned due to the recent tax rulings.

How can I help and how can I suggest features?

Glad you asked? If there is anything not behaving as you expect then let us know. If something you are trying to do is complicated or confusing then let us know your thoughts on how to improve it. If an expected feature is missing or you can't easily find it then please let us know and be as detailed as you like. We welcome all feedback!

How do I keep up with YAKKL®?

Somedays it seems new things are being released every few minutes and other days where it feels slower. To stay up to date, the best way is to enroll in the FREE Newsletter. You can cancel at any time but we hope that you don't. We discuss enhancements, known issues, best practices, and things we believe you should know about in the industry and how it could impact you. Click the 'Newsletter' menu option at the top of the page and it will take you to a form asking for your email. Enter in your email and submit. That's super simple and we can't wait to send you the next issue!

How do I communicate with YAKKL® Support?

For now, the easiest way is to email There are other ways coming soon.